Napoleonic bibliography

The Josephine B. Trilogy NAPOLEONIC  BIBLIOGRAPHY (with a few comments):

—.   Dictionnaire de Biographie Française. Sous la direction de M. Prevost et Roman d’Amat. Librairie Letouzey et Ané; 1954.

—.   Dictionnaire Napoléon. Sous la direction de Jean Tulard. Fayard; 1987.

—.   Eugène de Beauharnais; honneur & fidelité. Musée national des châteaux de Malmaison et Bois-Préau. Catalogue of exposition, Sept 14, 1999 – Jan 3, 2000. Éditions de la Réunion des musées nationaus; Paris; 1999.

—.   Le Journal de la France. Vol. I & II. Librairie Jules Tallandier; 1972.

—.   Les Français sous Napoléon. Historia, Dec. ’87, No 492.

—.   “Leuchtenberg: House of Beauharnais.” Burke’s Royal Families of the World.

—.   Memoirs of Hortense Beauharnais, Duchess of St. Leu, Ex-Queen of Holland. [Author guessed to be Count de la Garde.] Translated from the French. Key and Biddle; Philadelphia; 1833.

—.   Napoleon’s Book of Fate and Oraculum. W. Foulsham & Co., Ltd.; London; reprinted 1972.

—.   “Paris 1989: 200 Years of Liberté Are Remembered.” The Sophisticated Traveller, New York Times, Mar. 12, 1989.

—.   The Age of Napoleon: Costume from Revolution to Empire. Museum exhibit. The Metropolitan Museum of Art; New York; 1990.

—.   The Life of Napoleon the Great. An anthology of Bourrienne, Memes, Creasy, Rémusat, Cockburn, etc. Vol. I, II, and III. P.F. Collier; New York; 1894.

—.   The Secret History of the Court and Cabinet of St. Cloud. In a Series of Letters from a Gentleman at Paris to a Nobleman in London, written during the months of August, September and October, 1805. Vol. I and II. H. S. Nichols & Co.; London; MDCCXCV.

—.   The Story of Napoleon Bonaparte. W. & R. Chambers, Ltd.; London; 1890s?  Abbott, John. S. C. Hortense. Harper & Brothers; New York & London; 1870.

Abrantès, Duchesse d’. At the Court of Napoleon; Memoirs of the Duchesse d’Abrantès. Doubleday; New York; 1989.

—.   The Memoirs of the Duchess of Abrantès. Trans. by Gerard Shelley. John Hamilton Ltd.; London; 1830 (?).

—.   Published under the name Madame Junot. Memoirs of the Emperor Napoleon; from Ajaccio to Waterloo, as Soldier, Emperor, Husband. In three volumes. Vol. I. St. Dustan Society; Akron, Ohio; 1901.

—.   Les Salons de Paris. Éditions Balland; Paris?; 1984.

—.   The Secret Memoirs of the Duchesse d’Abrantès, 1784-1838. Edited by Robert Chantemess. Trans. from the French by Eric Sutton. Brentano’s; New York; no date.

Ain, Gabriel Girod de l’. Joseph Bonaparte; le roi malgré lui. Librairie Académique Perrin; Paris; 1970.

Allinson, Alfred. The Days of the Directoire. John Lane The Bodley Head; London; MCMX.

Anderson, Robert Gordon. Those Quarrelsome Bonapartes. D. Appleton-Century Company Inc.; New York; 1939.

Applewhite, Harriet Branson; Johnson, Mary Durham; Levy, Darline Gay. Women in Revolutionary Paris, 1789-1795. University of Illinois Press; Urbana and Chicago; 1979.

Arblay, Madame D’ (Frances Burney). The Diary and Letters of Madame D’Arblay. In Three Volumes. Frederick Warne and Co.; London and New York; 1892.

Aretz, Gertrude. Napoleon and His Women Friends. Translated from the German by Eden and Cedar Paul. J.B. Lippincott Co.; Philadelphia; 1927.

Arnault, A. V. Souvenirs d’un Sexagénaire. Vol. II, III, IV. Garnier Frères; Paris; 1908.

Arnault, M.A. and C.L.F. Panckocke. Life and Campaigns of Napoleon Bonaparte. Porter & Coates; Philadelphia; 1876.

Aronson, Theo. Napoleon & Josephine; A Love Story. St. Martin’s Press; New York; 1990.

—.   The Golden Bees. New York Graphic Society; Greenwich, Connecticut; 1964.

Aulard, A. Paris pendant la Réaction Thermidorienne. Vol. 3, 4, 5. Maison Quantin; 1902.

—.   Paris sous le consulat. Vol I to IV. Maison Quantin; Paris; 1903.

—.   Paris  sous le Premier Empire. Vol. I, II, III. Librairie Léopole Cerf,  Librairie Noblet, Maison Quatin; Paris; 1912.

—.  The French Revolution; A Political History 1789-1804. Trans from French by Bernard Miall. Vol. 4. T. Fisher Unwin; London; 1910.

Autin, Jean. Eugène de Beauharnais; de Joséphine a Napoléon. Librairie Académique Perrin; Paris; 1989.

Barnett, Correlli. Bonaparte. Hill and Wang (a division of Farrar, Straus and Giroux); New York; 1978.

Bear, Joan. Caroline Murat. Collins; London; 1972.

Béraud, Henri. Twelve Portraits of the French Revolution. Trans. by Madeleine Boyd. Books for Libraries Press, Inc.; Freeport, New York; 1968.

Bergeron, Louis. Banquiers, négociants et manufacturiers parisiens du Directoire à l’Empire.École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris. Mouton éditeur; Paris; 1974.

Bergerot, Bernard. Hoche, un sans-colotte aristocrate. Collection révolutions-empire Eurocorp.

Bernard, J. F. Talleyrand, A Biography. G. P. Putnam’s Sons; New York; 1973.

Bernardy, Françoise de. Son of Talleyrand; The Life of Comte Charles de Flahaut, 1785-1870.Translated by Lucy Norton. Collins; London; 1956.

Bernièr, Olivier. The Secrets of Marie Antoinette. Doubleday & Company, Inc.; Garden City, N.Y.; 1985.  A  wonderful collection of letters from Marie Antoinette to her mother.

Bertaud, Jean-Paul. Bonaparte et le duc d’Enghien; le deul des deux France. Robert Laffont; Paris; 1972,

Birch, Una. Secret Societies and the French Revolution together with some kindred studies.John Lane, The Bodley Head; London; MCMXI.

Blémus, René. Eugène de Beauharnais (1781-1824); L’Honneur à tout vent. éditions France-Empire; Paris; 1993.

Bonaparte, Napoleon. Correspondance de Napoléon Ier. Vol. 9, 10, 11. Henri Plon, J. Dumaine; Paris; MDCCCLXII.

—.  Letters and documents of Napoleon. Selected and trans. by John Eldred Howard. Vol. 1: The Rise to Power. The Cresset Press; London; 1961.

—.  Letters of Napoleon to Josephine. Edited by Dr. Léon Cerf. Trans. by Henry W. Bunn. Brentano’s; New York; 1931.

Bonnechose, Emile de. Lazare Hoche. Trans. by Emile Pernet. Willing & Williamson; Toronto; 1881.

Bourhis, Katell le, General Editor. The Age of Napoleon; Costume from Revolution to Empire, 1789-1815. The Metropolitan Museum of Art/Harry N. Abrams, Inc.; New York; 1989.

Bourquin, Marie-Hélène. Monsieur et Madame Tallien. Librairie Académique Perrin; Paris; 1987.

Bourrienne, Louis Antoine Fauvelet de. Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte. Edited by R.W. Phipps. Vol. I – IV. Charles Scribner’s Sons; New York; 1892.

Breton, Guy.  Napoleon and His Ladies. Trans. Frederick Holt. Coward-McCann, Inc.; New York; 1965.

Brinton, Crane. A Decade of Revolution: 1789-1799. Harper & Row; New York & Evanston; 1934.

Bruce, Evangeline. Napoleon and Josephine; The Improbable Marriage. A Lisa Drew Book. Scribner; New York; 1995. —One of the best.

Caratini, Roger. Dictionnaire des personnages de la Révolution. Le Pré aux Clercs; 1988.

Carey, John, ed. Eyewitness to History. Harvard University Press; Cambridge, Mass.; 1987.

Carlton, W.N.C.  Pauline, Favorite Sister of Napoleon. Harper & Brothers; New York and London; 1930.

Carrington, Dorothy. Napoleon and His Parents: On the Threshold of History. Dutton; New York; 1990. —Carrington is a wonderful writer and a solid historian.

Cartland, Barbara. Josephine; Empress of France. Hutchinson; London; 1961. —Nicely written but with many inaccuracies.

Castelot, André. Josephine, A Biography. Translated by Denise Folliot. Harper & Row; New York; 1967.  —Excellent historial material, very up-to-date. Not terribly charitable, however.

—.   Napoleon. Translated from the French by Guy Daniels. Harper & Row; New York; 1971.

—.  Napoléon Bonaparte. Librairie Académique Perrin; Paris?; 1984.

—.  Queen of France, A Biography of Marie Antoinette. Translated by Denise Folliot. Harper & Brothers; New York; 1957.

—.  Sur les pas de Joséphine. Perrin; 1991.

Catinat, Maurice, Bernard Chevallier and Christophe Pincemaille, editors. Impératrice Joséphine, Correspondance, 1782-1814. Histoire Payot; Paris; 1996. —An invaluable resource.

Champagnac, Jacques-Philippe. Quiberon, La répression et la vengeance. Perrin; Paris; 1989.

Chevallier, Bernard. L’art de vivre au temps de Joséphine. Flammarion; Paris; 1998.  —A stunning large-format art book.

Chevallier, Bernard, and Pincemaille, Christophe. L’impératrice Joséphine. Presses de la Renaissance; Paris; 1988. —Excellent.

Cobban, Alfred. A History of Modern France. Vol 1: Old Régime and Revolution 1715-1799. Penguin; 1927.

Cole, Hubert. Fouché; The Unprincipled Patriot. Eyre & Spottiswoode; London; 1971. Wonderful.

—.  Joséphine. Heinemann; London; 1962. Also very good.

—.  The Betrayers; Joachim and Caroline Murat. Eyre Methuen; London; 1972. Ditto the above.

Collins, Herbert F. Talma; A Biography of an Actor. Faber and Faber; London; 1964.

Connelly, Owen. The Gentle Bonaparte; A Biography of Joseph, Napoleon’s Elder Brother. The Macmillan Company/Collier-Macmillan; New York & London; 1968.

Constant. Recollections of the Private Life of Napoleon. Trans. by Walter Clark. Vol. 1. The Saalfield Pub. Co.; Akron, Ohio; 1913. —These are also available on the Internet at Napoleonic Literature.

Cronin, Vincent. Napoleon. London, 1971. Collins. —An excellent, very readable, but very pro-Napoleon biography. Considered one of the best.

Dard, ÉmileNapoleon and Talleyrand. Trans. by Christopher R. Turner. Philip Allan & Co., Ltd.; London; 1937.

Decaux, Alain. Napoleon’s Mother. Translated from the French by Len Ortzen. The Cresset Press; London; 1962.

Delderfield, R.F. The Golden Millstones; Napoleon’s Brothers and Sisters. Harper and Row; New York; 1964.

—.  Napoleon in Love. Simon and Schuster; New York; 1959.

Dixon, Pierson. Pauline; Napoleon’s Favourite Sister. Collins; London; 1964.

Ducrest, Madame. Memoirs of the Court of the Empress Josephine. Vol. I, II & III. L.C. Page and Company; Boston; 1900.

Dupre, Huntley. Lazare Carnot, Republican Patriot. Porcupine Press; Philadelphia; 1975.

Durant, Will and Ariel. Rousseau and Revolution. Simon and Schuster; New York; 1967.

—.  The Age of Napoleon. Simon and Schuster; New York; 1975.

Elliot, John. The Way of the Tumbrils; Paris During the Revolution and Today. Max Reinhardt; London; 1958.

Elliott, Grace Dalrymple. Journal of My Life during the French Revolution. The Rodale Press.

Ellis, Geoffrey. Napoleon. Longman; London; 1997.

Elting, John R. Swords Around a Throne; Napoleon’s Grande Armée. The Free Press, a division of Macmillan, Inc.; New York; 1988.

Emsley, Clive. The Longman Companion to Napoleonic Europe. Longman; London and N.Y.; 1993.

Epton, Nina C. Josephine: the Empress and Her Children. Weidenfeld & Nicolson; London; 1975.

Erickson, Carolly. Josephine; A Life of the Empress. St. Martin’s Press; New York; 1998.

Espitalier, Albert. Napoleon and King Murat. Trans from the French by J. Lewis May. John Lane, The Bodley Head; London; MCMXII.

Fain, Baron. Napoleon: How He Did It. Foreword by Jean Tulard. Proctor Jones Publishing Co.; San Francisco; 1998. —A nuts and bolts book on how Napoleon worked. Fascinating.

Fayard, Jean-François; Fierro, Alfred; Tulard, Jean. Histoire et dictionnaire de la Révolution française, 1789-1799.

Ferrus, Maurice. Madame Tallien; A Bordeaux Pendant la Terreur. Delmas Éditeur Bordeau; 1933.

Forester, C.S. Josephine, Napoleon’s Empress. Methuen; London; 1955.

Fouché. Memoirs of Fouché. In two vols. Edited by Leon Valée. Part of the Courtiers and Favourites of Royalty series. Vol I & II. Merrill & Baker; New York; 1903.

—.  Memoirs of Joseph Fouché, Duke of Otranto, Minister of the General Police of France. William W. Gibbings; London; 1892.

Frayling, Christopher, ed. and trans. Napoleon Wrote Fiction. St. Martin’s Press; New York; 1972.

Furet, François and Mona Ozouf, editors. A Critical Dictionary of the French Revolultion. Authur Goldhammer, trans. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press; Cambridge and London; 1989.

Garnier, Jean-Paul. Barras, le Roi du Directoire. Librairie Académique Perrin; Paris; 1970.

Gastine, L. Madame Tallien, Notre Dame de Thermidor. Translated from the French by J. Lewis May. John Lane, The Bodley Head; London. —A  beastly book.

Gavoty, André. “Joséphine, Hoche et Bonaparte.” La Revue des Deux Mondes, March 1, 1958, 677-693.

Gayot, André. Fortunée Hamelin, Une Ancienne Muscadine. Lettres Inédites 1839-1851. Émile-Paul, Éditeur; Paris; 1911.

Geer, Walter. Napoleon and His Family; The Story of A Corsican Clan. Vol. I, II, III. George Allen & Unwin Ltd.; London; 1928.

—.  Napoleon and Josephine; The Rise of the Empire. Brentano’s; New York; 1924. —Very clear summary, worthwhile.

—.  Napoleon and Marie-Louis; The Fall of the Empire. Brentano’s; New York; 1925.

Gershoy, Leo. Bertrand Barere: A Reluctant Terrorist. Princeton Univ. Press; Princeton; 1962.

—.  The French Revolution and Napoleon. Appleton-Century-Crofts; New York; 1964.

Geyl, Pieter. Napoleon; For and Against. Trans. from the Dutch by Olive Renier. Penguin Books; England; 1965. First published 1949.

Gimpel, Herbert J. Napoleon; Man of Destiny. Franklin Watts, Inc.; New York; 1968.

Godlewski, Guy. “Telle Fut Joséphine.” Le Souvenir Napoleonien: L’Impératrice Joséphine. No. 336, Juillet 1984; Paris.

Goodspeed, D. J. Bayonets at St Cloud; the Story of the 18th Brumaire. The Macmillan Company of Canada Limited; Toronto; 1965.

Guerrini, Maurice. Napoleon and Paris; Thirty Years of History. Trans., abridged and edited by Margery Weiner. Walker and Company; New York; 1967. —Wonderful, many details.

Hall, Sir John, Bart. General Pichegru’s Treason. Smith, Elder & Co.; London; 1915.

Hanoteau, Jean, preface. Les Beauharnais et l’Empereur; lettres de l’Impératric Joséphine et de la reine Hortense au Prince Eugène. Librairie Plon; Paris; 1936.

Hapgood, David and Weider, Ben.  The Murder of Napoleon. Gongdon & Lattès, Inc.; New York; 1982.

Hastier, Louis. Le grand amour de Joséphine. Le Cercle Historia; Paris; 1966. First published by Editions Buchet et Chastel; Paris; 1955 (?).

Headley, J. T. Napoleon and His Marshals. Two vols. in one. Charles Scribner’s Sons; New York; 1884.

—.  The Old Guard. Henry Vizetelly; London. No date given.

Headley, P.C. The Life of the Empress Josephine. Derby and Miller; Auburn, N.Y.; 1851.

Herold, J. C. Mistress to an Age; A life of Mme. de Stael.

—.  The Age of Napoleon. Houghton Mifflin Company; Boston; 1963.

—.  ed. and trans. The Mind of Napoleon. Columbia University Press; New York; 1961.

Horricks, Raymond. In Flight With the Eagle; A Guide to Napoleon’s Elite. Costello; Tunbridge Wells, England; 1988.

Hortense, Queen. The Memoirs of Queen Hortense. Published by arrangement with Prince Napoleon. Edited by Jean Hanoteau. Trans. by Arthur K. Griggs. Volume I and II. Cosmopolitan Book Corporation; New York; 1927. —Wonderful.

—.  Mémoires de la Reine Hortense. Publiés par le Prince Napoléon. Avec notes par Jean Hanoteau. Tome Premier. Librairie Plon; Paris; 1927.

Houville, Gérard d’. La vie amoureuse de l’Impératrice Joséphine. Ernest Flammarion; Paris?; 1925.

Hubert, Gérard. Malmaison. Trans. by C. de Chabannes. Editions de la Réunion des musées nationaux; Paris; 1989.

Janssens, Jacques. Joséphine de Beauharnais et son temps. Éditions Berger-Levrault; Paris; 1963.

Jones, Colin. The Longman Companion to the French Revolution. Longman; London and New York; 1988. —An essential resource. Jones, Proctor Patterson, editor.

Napoleon; an Intimate Account of the Years of Supremacy 1800-1814. Proctor Jones Publishing Co. (distributed by Random House); San Francisco; 1992. —Fantastic.

Johnson, David. Napoleon’s Cavalry and its Leaders. B.T. Batsford Ltd.; London; 1978.

Kastener, Jean. Les Bonaparte à Plombières. Arts Graphiques Modernes; Nancy; 1934.

Kennedy, Emmet. A Cultural History of the French Revolution. Yale University Press; New Haven; 1989.

Kerry, Henry William Edmund Petty-Fitzmaurice, Earl of. The First Napoleon; some unpublished documents from the Bowood Papers. Houghton Mifflin Company;  Boston & NY; 1925. —An interesting collection, especially with respect to Hortense’s secret pregnancy.

Kirchberger, Joe H. The French Revolution and Napoleon; an Eyewitness History. Facts on File; New York & Oxford; 1989.

Kircheisen, F. M. Jovial King; Napoleon’s Youngest Brother. Trans. by H. J. Stenning. Elkin Mathews & Marrot; London; 1932.

Knapton, Ernest John. Empress Josephine. Harvard University Press; Cabridge, Massachusetts; 1963.  —A highly-respected biography.

Kunstler, Charles. The Private Life of the Empress Josephine. Adapted from the French by Herma Briffault. David McKay Co. Inc.; New York; 1957. —A good book, quite just, nicely written.

Lachouque, Henry. The Anatomy of Glory; Napoleon and His Guard, A study in Leadership.Translated from the French by Anne S.K. Brown. Brown University Press; Providence, Rhode Island; 1962. —Fabulous, wonderful details.

Lacour-Gayet, G. Napoléon; son oeuvre, sa vie, son temps. Librairie Hachette; Paris; no date given. Published weekly, magazine format.

Laing, M.I. Josephine & Napoleon. Sidgwick & Jackson; London; 1973.

Larrey, Le Baron Félix Hippolyte. Madame Mère. E. Dentu; Paris; 1892.

Las Cases, the Count of. Memoirs of the Life, Exile, and Conversations of the Emperor Napoleon. 4 vols. Peter Eckler, Publisher; New York; date?

Latimer, Elizabeth Wormeley, ed. My Scrap-Book of the French Revolution. A.C. McClurg and Co.; Chicago; 1898.

Latude, Jean H, and Linguet. Memoirs of the Bastille. Trans. by J. and S.F. Mills Whitham. George Routledge & sons., Ltd.; London; 1927.

Lavallette, Anotine Marie Chamant. Memoirs of Count Lavallette. Trans. In two volumes. Vol. 1. Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley; London; 1831.

Lefebvre, Georges. The Directory. Trans. from French by Robert Baldick. Vinatge Books, Random House; New York; 1967.

—.  The Thermidorians and the Directory; Two Phases of the French Revolution.Trans. from the French by Robert Baldick. Random House; New York; date?

Le Normand, Mlle. M. A. The Historical and Secret Memoirs of the Empress Josephine. Jacob M. Howard, translator. Vol. I & Vol. II. H. S. Nichols; London; 1895. Originally published in France 1820. —Said to be apocryphal, an intriguing mystery.

—.  Mémoires Historiques et Secrets de l’Impératrice Joséphine. Préface, Chronologie, Notes et  Biographies historiques par Jean Savant. Cercle du Bibliophile; 1970.

Lockhart, John Gibson. The History of Napoleon Buonaparte. J.M. Dent & Sons (London & Toronto) and E.P.Dutton & Co. (New York); 1919. First printed 1906.

Louis-Philippe. Memoirs: 1773-1793. Translated by John Hardman. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. New York and London. first published in French, 1973. English translation, 1977.

Lyons, Martyn. France Under the Directory. Cambridge University Press; Cambridge; 1975. —Recommended by historians as “a really solid book.”

MacDonnell, A. G. Napoleon and His Marshals. The Macmillan Company; New York; 1934.

Madelin, Louis. The Consulate and the Empire, 1789-1809. Vol I. William Heinemann Ltd; London; 1934.

—.  Talleyrand; A Vivid Biography of the Amoral, Unscrupulous, and Fascinating French Statesman. Trans. by Rosalie Feltenstein. Roy Publishers; New York; 1948.

Marbot, Baron de. The Memoirs of Baron de Marbot. Translated. Vol. 1 (of 2). Longmans, Green & Co.; London; 1913.

Markham, Felix. The Bonapartes. Weidenfeld and Nicolson; London; 1975.

—.  Napoleon. New American Library; New York; 1963.

—.  Napoleon and the Awakening of Europe. Penguin Books; Middlesex, England; 1975.

Markley, Robert. “Peace of Amiens 1801.” The Napoleonic Series.

Martineau, Gilbert. Madame Mère; Napoleon’s Mother. Trans. from French by Frances Partridge. John Murray; London; 1978.

Masson, Frédéric. Joséphine de Beauharnais: 1763-1796. Quinzième édition. Albin Michel, Éditeau; Paris; 1909.

—.  Joséphine, Empress and Queen. Trans. by Mrs. Cashel Hoey. Goupil & Co. and Jean Boussod, Manzi, Joyant & Co. in Paris and Smpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co. in London; 1899.

—.  “L’Impératrice Josephine et le Prince Eugène, 1804-1814.” Revue des Deux Mondes. Vol. 45. LXXXVI année, sixième periode. Bureau de la Revue des Deux Mondes; Paris; 1916.

—.  Mme Bonaparte (1796-1804). Librairie Paul Ollendorff; Paris; 1920.

—.  Napoleon,  Lover and Husband. Trans. By J. M. Howell. H. M. Caldwell Co.; New York and Boston; 1894.

Mauguin, George. I’Impératrice Joséphine; Anecdotes & Curiosités. J. Peyronnet & Co.; Paris; 1954.

McCrory, Martin and Moulder, Robert. French Revolution for Beginners. Writers and readers Publishing Cooperative Society Ltd.; London; 1983. —This book helped!

McLynn, Frank. Napoleon; A Biography. Pimlico; London, England; 1998.

Melchior-Bonnet, Bernardine. Jerome Bonaparte ou l’Envers de l’Epopee. Librairie Académique Perrin; 1979.

Melito, Comte Miot de. Mémoires du Comte Miot de Melito. Vol. 1. Michel Lévy Frères; Paris; 1858.

Memes, John Smyth, LL.D. Memoirs of the Empress Josephine. A.L. Fowle; N.Y.; 1900. —Full of inaccurcies.

Méneval, Baron de. L’impératrice Josephine. Calmann-Lévy; Paris; 1910. —Vague.

—.  Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte; the Court of the First Empire. Vol. I. P F Collier & Son; New York; 1910.

Merezhkovsky, Dmitri. Napoleon; a Study. Translated by Catherine Zvegintzov. J.M. Dent & Sons, Ltd.; London & Toronto; date?

Meyer, Jack Allen. An Annotated Bibliography of the Napoleonic Era; Recent Publications, 1945-1985. Greenwood Press; New York; 1987.

Minnigerode, Meade. The Magnificent Comedy; Some aspects of public and private life in Paris, from the fall of Robespierre to the coming of Bonaparte July, 1794-November, 1799.Farrar & Rinehart, Inc.; Murray Hill, New York; 1931. —Hard to read, and a terrible view of Josephine, but very colourful.

Mitford, Nancy. Voltaire in Love. E.P. Dutton; New York; 1985.

Morris, Gouverneur. A Diary of the French Revolution. Edited by Beatrix Cary Davenport. George G. Harrap & Co. Ltd.; London; 1939.    —wonderful reading

Morton, J. B. Brumaire; The Rise of Bonaparte. Books for Libraries Press; Plainview, New York; 1976.

Mossiker, Frances. More Than a Queen; the story of Josephine Bonaparte. Drawings by Michael Eagle. Knopf; New York; 1971. —A young adult title, nicely written, beautiful illustrations.

—.  Napoleon and Josephine; the Biography of a Marriage. Simon and Schuster; New York; 1964.

Mühlbach, L. The Empress Josephine; an Historical Sketch of the Days of Napoleon. Trans. from the German by Rev. W. Binet, A. M. D. Appleton and Company; New York; 1867. —Available on line at Digital Library.

Nodier, Charles. History of the Secret Societies of the Army. Scholars’ Facsimiles & Reprints; Delmar, New York; 1978.

Ober, Frederick A. Josephine, Empress of the French. H. M. Caldwell Co.; New York and Boston; 1895.

Ollivier, Albert. Le Dix-huit Brumaire. Gallimard;1959.

Oman, Carola. Napoleon’s Viceroy; Eugène de Beauharnais. Funk and Wagnalls; New York; 1966.  —Well-researched, fair, well-written.

Orieux, Jean. Talleyrand; The Art of Survival. Trans. from the French by Patricia Wolf. Alfred A. Knoph; New York; 1974.

Ortzen, Len. Imperial Venus; The story of Pauline Bonaparte-Borghese. Constable; London; 1974. —Riddled with factual errors.

Ouérard, J.-M. Les Supercheries Littéraires Dévoilées. Paul Daffis, Libraire-Éditeur; Paris; M.DCCC.LXX.

Ozouf, Mona. Festivals and the French Revolution. Translated by Alan Sheridan. Harvard University Press; Cambridge, Massachusetts; 1988.

Palmer, Alan. An Encyclopaedia of Napoleon’s Europe. St. Martin’s Press; New York; 1984.

Pasquier, Etienne Denis. The Memoirs of Chancellor Pasquier, 1767-1815. Trans. by Douglas Garman. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press; Rutherford; 1968.

Payard, Colonel Pol. The Tomb of Napoleon. Editions Albert Morancé.

Pellapra, Emilie de, Comtesse de Brigode, Princess de Chimay. A Daughter of Napoleon; Memoirs of Emile de Pellapra, Comtesse de Brigode, Princess of Chimay. Introduction by Princess Bibesco. Preface by Frederic Masson. Translated by Katherine Miller. Charles Scribner’s Sons; New York; 1922.

Pichevin, R. L’Impératrice Joséphine. Ed. Blondel La Rougery; Paris; 1909. —Interesting information regarding Josephine’s life in Martinique, well documented.

Pingaud, Léonce. Un Agent Secret sous La Révolution et l’Empire: Le Comte d’Antraigues.Librairie Plon; Paris; 1894.

Puy, Henry W. Louis de.  Napoleon and The Bonaparte Family. C.M. Saxton; New York, 1859.

Réal, Pierre. Indiscretions of a Prefect of Police, Anecdotes of Napoleon and the Bourbons from the Papers of Count Réal. Trans. and edited by Arthur L. Hayward. Cassell and Company, Ltd; London; 1929.

Reboux, Paul. La vie amoureuse de Madame Tallien. Ernest Flammarion, éditeur; France; date?

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Richardson, Frank, M.D. Napoleon; Bisexual Emperor. Horizon Press; New York; 1973.

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Roland, Madame. The Memoirs of Madame Roland: a Heroine of the French Revolution.Translated and edited by Evelyn Shuckburgh. Moyer Bell Limited; Mount Kisco, New York; 1989.

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Ropes, John Codman. The First Napoleon; a Sketch, Politcal and Military. Houghton, Mifflin & Co.; Boston & New York; 1886.

Rose, John Holland, Litt.D. The Life of Napoleon I. 10th edition. G. Bell and Sons, Ltd.; London; 1929.

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—.   Napoleon in His Time. Trans. from the French by Katherine John. Putnam; London; 1958.

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Schama, Simon. Citizens, A Chronicle of the French Revolution. Alfred A. Knopf; New York; 1989.    Schom, Alan. Napoleon Bonaparte. HarperCollins; New York; 1997. —A beastly work, full of inaccuracies.

Scott, Sidney, ed.  A Journal of the Terror; Being an account of the occurrences in the Temple during the confinement of Louis XVI, by M. Cléry the King’s valet-de-chambre, together with a description of the last hours of the King, by the Abbé de Firmont. The Folio Society; London; 1955.

Sedgwick, Henry Dwight. Madame Recamier, Biography of a Flirt. Bobbs-Merrill Co.; Indianapolis; 1940.

Seward, Desmond. Napoleon’s Family. Viking; New York; 1986.

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Sokoloff, Boris. Napoleon: A Doctor’s Biography. Prentice-Hall, Inc.; New York; 1937.  —Clear, well-written, vivid detail, but relies on Masson for Josephine portrait (hence harsh).

Sorel, Albert. Bonaparte et Hoche en 1797. Librairie Plon; Paris; 1896.

Stacton, David. The Bonapartes. Simon and Schuster; New York; 1966. —Sparkling, colourful, irreverent, shocking.

Tarbell, Ida M. A Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. The Macmillan Company; New York; 1921.

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Thompson, J.M. Napoleon Bonaparte. New York. Oxford University Press. 1952.

—.  Napoleon’s Letters. Dent; London; 1954.

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—.   Napoléon Lettres d’Amour à Joséphine. Établie par Chantal de Tourtier-Bonazzi. Fayard; Paris; 1981.

—.  Nouvelle Bibliographie Critique des Mémoires sur l’Époque Napoléonienne.Librairie Droz S.A.; Genève; 1991.

Turgeon, F.K. “Fanny de Beauharnais. Biographical Notes and a Bibliography.” Modern Philology, Aug. 1932.

Turnbull, Partick. Napoleon’s Second Empress. Walker and Company;  New York; 1971.

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Turquan, Joseph. The Love Affairs of Napoleon. Trans. by J. Lewis May. John Lane Company; New York; MCMXIV. —Full of inaccuracies.

—.  The  Wife of General Bonaparte. Translated by Violette Montague. John Lane the Bodley Head; London; MCMXII. —Wilson: “Turquan’s work is interesting, but his violent hostility to Josephine and his delight in scandal detract from its value as serious history.”

Vansittart, Peter, ed. Voices of the Revolution. Collins; London; 1989.

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Wagener, Françoise. La Reine Hortense (1783-1837). Éditions Jean-Claude Lattès; 1992. —Fantastic.

—.  L’Impératrice Joséphine (1763-1814). Flammarion; 1999. —An award-winning biography.

—.  Madame Récamier, 1777-1849. Editions Jean-Claude Lattès; 1986.

Walter, Gérard. Répertoire de l’Histoire de la Révolution Française. Bibliothèque Nationale; Paris; 1941.

Watson, Henry C. The Camp-fires of Napoleon; Comprising the Most Brilliant Achievements of the Emperor and His Marshals. Porter & Coates; Philadelphia; 1854.

Weiner, Margery. The Parvenu Princesses, Elisa, Pauline and Caroline Bonaparte. John Murray; London; 1964.

Wheeler, Harold F. B. Napoleon, 1769-1821. George G. Harrap & Co. Ltd.; London; 1921.

Whitham, J. Mills. Men and Women of the French Revolution. The Viking Press; New York; 1933.

Williams, H. Noel. Madame Récamier and Her Friends. Harper & Brothers; London; 1925.

—.  The Women Bonapartes; The Mother and Three Sisters of Napoleon I. Vol. I. Methuen & Co.; London, England; 1908.

Wilson, R. McNair. Josephine; the Portrait of a Woman. Eyre & Spottiswoode, Ltd.; London; 1929-30. —Well-written, good overview of politics, nasty on Josephine.

—.  Napoleon the Man. The Century Co.; New York & London; 1928.

Wolff, Otto. Ouvrard; Speculator of Genius 1770-1846. Trans. by Stewart Thompson. Barrie and Rockliff; London; 1962.

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Wright, Constance. Daughter to Napoleon; a biography of Hortense, Queen of Holland. Holt, Rinehart and Winston; New York; 1961. —Knapton:  “a graceful account.” I agree.

Yalom, Marilyn. Blood Sisters; The French Revolution in Women’s Memory. BasicBooks; 1993.

Young, Peter. Napoleon’s Marshals. Osprey; Berkshire, England; 1973.

Zweig, Stefan. Joseph Fouché; The Portrait of a Politician. Trans. from the Gerban by Eden & Cedar Paul. The Viking Press; New York; MCMXXX.