Baroque theatre resources


A theme of my novel The Shadow Queen is 17th century theatre in France.

Resources on baroque theatre

For resources on baroque theatre, here are some wonderful links to on-line sites. Scroll down for a short list of the books I consulted.

Books on theatre

  • Banham, Martin, editor. The Cambridge Guide to Theatre. Cambridge Univ. Press; NY; 1992.
  • Gaines, James F., editor. The Molière Encyclopedia. Greenwood Press; Connecticut; 2002.
  • Hewitt, Barnard, editor. The Renaissance Stage; documents of Serlio, Sabbattini and Furttenbach. Univ. of Miami Press; Florida; 1958.
  • Howarth, William D., editor (with John Golder). French Theatre in the Neo-Classical Era 1550-1789. Cambridge Univ. Press; Cambridge; 1997.
  • Lough, John. Paris Theatre Audiences in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. Oxford Univ. Press; London; 1972.
  • Mittman, Barbara G. Spectators on the Paris Stage in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. UMI Research Press; Ann Arbor; 1984.
  • Powell, John S. Music and Theatre in France, 1600-1680. Publisher; Place; date.
  • Ravel, Jeffrey S. The Contested Parterre; Public Theater and French Political Culture, 1690-1791. Cornell University Press; Ithaca & London; 1999.
  • Scott, Virginia. Molière; A Theatrical Life. Cambridge University Press; UK; 2000.
  • —. Women on the Stage in Early Modern France. 
  • Wiley, W.L. The Early Public Theatre in France. Harvard Univ. Press; Cambridge, U.S.; 1960.