Madame Campan’s school: resources

Articles on Madame Campan and her schools

Montfort, Catherine R., “Madame Campan’s Institution de l’Education: A Revolution in the Education of Women.” (Send to me by Maureen MacLeod.) Excellent!

This article opened my eyes to what a wonderful school this must have been: academic and artistic as well as athletic.

Books on Madame Campan and her schools

Montagu, Violette M. The Celebrated Madame Campan.

Mail, Millicent S. Madame Campan: Educator of Women, Confidante of Queens.

Burton, June K. Napoleon and the Woman Question; Discourses of the Other Sex in French Education, Medicine, and Medical Law, 1799-1813.

This book has some relevant sections on Madame Campan’s schools.

(Expecting) The Family on Trial in Revolutionary France. Rec. by Maureen MacLeod. 


Resources on some of the teachers in Madame Campan’s schools

Osmond, Marion W. Jean Baptiste Isabey; The Fortunate Painter.