Unpacking, Packing, Unpacking … How Not to Deal With “Stuff”

Unpacking, Packing, Unpacking … How Not to Deal With “Stuff”

We’re back in San Miguel de Allende, back from the beach. It’s always wonderful to come home, but I miss the heat and the sound of the surf. I miss the enchantment of sunsets.


I’m sitting now in my office with my favourite coffee mug on the table beside me and my computer on my lap. I soon must get back to working on Draft 5 of The Game of Hope.

But first: it’s time to go through our photos, is it not? Here’s a panorama stitched together with DoubleTake software:

Panoramic with DoubleTake (smaller)

As I slowly get my office back in order—unpacking, finding the cords, the stacks of Things To Do—I tell myself that now is the time to be selective: throw things out. And so I try: one, maybe two truly-useless things get pitched, but only after great deliberation. Hopeless!

Have you watched this Seinfeld video on “Too Much Stuff“? He’s “congratulating” everyone in the audience for having won a flat-screen TV:


Talk about stuff! Will Self’s writing room: hard to imagine.

Will Self's writing room

Coincidently, I use his book Psycho Geography as a mouse pad.