One of my resolutions for 2012 is to disconnect from the Net for one hour a day while I’m writing. I’ve two programs that I hope will help make this possible: SelfControl and Freedom.

I suspect I’ll like SelfControl best: it sits on my (Mac) dock. Also, from what I understand, it only cuts out email and Social Net. I will still be able to Google, which I use for on-the-fly writing research.

Is that cheating? I’ll see.

I’m bravely considering cutting out email until 11:00 a.m.: that way, when I begin writing in the morning, I won’t get distracted. (I can feel myself going for nine or ten already. Junkie!) 

Debbi Ohi posted a similar resolution on her Inkygirl blog. Her cartoon expresses the problem perfectly:

Do you have writing resolutions?

{Image at top: from ‘Liber Floridus’ (Book of Flowers), a Medieval encyclopædia, from one of my favourite visual blogs, BibliOdyssey.}