
I’m in lovely Seattle now—such a beautiful city. They’ve had non-stop overcast skies and rain for weeks (months!), I’m told, and my event fell on the second day of sun, so I was surprised and pleased that some people came out to my reading.

One thing I’ve learned: when it comes to book events, there is always weather. It will invariably be too hot, too cold, too stormy, too wet or simply too nice for people to go out. (I don’t blame them: I’m the same way.) And if it isn’t the weather, there’s a sports event, a concert, or it’s grad night in town. So all the more reason to applaud the fans and friends and family who so loyally and enthusiastically show up … they make it so worthwhile.

Last night, I had the chance to see San Miguel friend Susan Rushton and her dear mother Ruby. Such a treat! As well, some truly ardent long-time fans. It was wonderful: virtual hugs to all.


Today I fly to San Diego. I’ve fought off a threatening cold (yay), but suffered my first injury: a wrenched left-hand. Thankfully not my signing hand. Fat Sharpies are excellent ergonomically in that respect: I feel I could sign books forever. In Sharpie fervor, I’ve now taken to offering readers a selection of colors: hot pink is the run-away favorite.