
A twitter link led me to an article by the SF writer Cory Doctorow, on the geekish tools he uses and has developed for his writing. I’m a fool for geekish tools, so I clicked. I was intrigued—nay, I nearly clicked “download”—until I caught myself up. I do not need more fool-around distracting tools. I have my own systems, and I’m best off sticking with them.

But a link at the bottom led me to another article by him. The title—Writing in the Age of Distraction—jumped right out at me. “Age of Distraction” indeed. I need to heed his advice about not being ceremonious. I liked his suggestion about not researching while writing, to insert a searchabletk” instead, so that you can find and deal with those time-consuming pesky details after the draft is finished. (I use “xx”.)

I like how he writes, and I’m tempted to read more of his articles—but not now, in this early morning creative time. So instead I click “Read Later,” and Instapaper will hold it for me. That’s my geek tool recommendation for today: “read later.”