Sundae Sundries: links worth sharing

I was Mother-of-the-Bride last night: such a happy time! Needless to say, I’ve been just a bit preoccupied. Here, at least, are this week’s Sunday Sundries:


For writers …

• The only technique to learn something new. This applies to any passion, and especially to writing.

Write a Plot Outline: The Infographic. This is great.

• What makes authors dress up like clowns? Kathy L. Patrick’s Pulpwood Queens Author Extravaganza. So much fun.

Elevator Pitches. We all hate having to come up with a few sentences to convey the essence of the sprawling novel we’re writing, but I’m afraid it’s important. My agent recommended this CBC podcast, and I’m glad she did.

• What Makes a Hero: Joseph Cambell’s Seminal Monomyth Model for the Eleven Stages of the Hero’s Journey.

• Was this review helpful to you? Hahahaha. Although not so funny to authors. Even one one-star review drags down a book’s sales and upsets a book’s publisher.

For promoters …

• V is for Virtual Tour provides an informative description of a virtual (i.e. blog) tour from The Publishing Bones. (How to set up a blog tour is one of my most visited posts.)

For flâneurs through history …

In and Out of Jane Austen’s Window: people used to walk everywhere.


Laughing at French Smiles and Dentures. This made me laugh!

The Cloister and Accounts Payable. In researching Mistress of the SunI learned that Cloister life was like a mini-world, and woman the capable managers.

For Napoleonistas …

• Pacino dreams of playing Napoleon. I’d love to see this.

Bonaparte: 1769 – 1802, by Patrice Gueniffey (translated by Steven Rendall): a translation of the first in a new, prize-winning two-book biography of Napoleon.

Tweetable Napoleon: a collection of his quotes: a page I’ve just set up on my website.

For readers …

• A memoir I’m relishing now: H is for Hawk by Helen MacDonald. A woman falconer takes on the challenge of training a hawk as a way of overcoming grief. Fascinating, and beautifully written.

Sundae Sundries: links worth sharing

“Sundae Sundries” offer links to things on the Net that I have found especially of interest of late. It is intended to be posted every Sunday, but Life is now in pre-daughter-getting-married-mode, so routine has gone out the window. Enjoy!


Links on writing …

• What does “show, don’t tell” really mean? Sarah Selecky is a fine writer and teacher of writing. If you are a writer or aspire to be one, her website is well worth checking out, as are her classes. I subscribe to her emails on writing. Highly recommended!

Links of interest to us flâneurs through history …

A treatise on landscape painting in water colours by UK artist David Cox (1783-1859) and others, published in 1813. This is a rare book, and one I wanted to find because Hortense de Beauharnais, the subject of the novel I am writing, is an artist. I was delighted to find it available for download on Internet Archive.

• Feeling Swinish: Or the Origins of “Pandemic.” This relates to a blog post I wrote: The use of quarantine to prevent the spread of deadly diseases in 18th century France.

Links for social historians … 

•  Gossip, Flattery, and Flirtation: The Art of Eighteenth-Century Letter Writing  Irresistible! I have Richardson’s Familiar Letters  on order.

Defiant Dressing: What Joan of Arc Wore. Because anything to do with Joan of Arc is fascinating.

Links on life …

• I love the blog BrainPickings, and recently, in particular, this post: “How to Merge Money and Meaning: An Animated Field Guide to Finding Fulfilling Work in the Modern World.”

• Through this post I discovered the YouTube School of Life series “How to Live,” which the wonderful writer Alain de Botton is a significant part of. Well! I’m an Alain de Botton fan, so call me Interested. To sample their offerings, watch this short video: How to Find Fulfilling Work.

A Sundae of Sundries: links worth sharing

Happy Mother’s Day, one and all. This is my first “Sunday Sundries.” I come upon many links on the Net I want to share, and this is a way of doing so.


Links on writing …

• This short YouTube video on The Hero’s Journey is well worth watching. (Read this Brain Pickings blog post for more on Joseph Campbell’s story structure.)

• 10 top writing tips and the psychology behind them.

• How to Meditate When You’re Too Busy to Meditate, and Why You Should Care, a post written with writers in mind.

• 5 Things I’ve Learned from Writing a YA Novel, an essay I wrote for Writer Unboxed.

• The Terror of Last-Minute Revision: Confessions of an Editor-turned-Novelist, an essay for The Savvy Reader.

Links of interest to all us research nerds …

• Just for a smile: Scary hair towers.

• A wonderful historical blog: “All Things Georgian.”

Links for Napoleonatics … 

• Madame Campan’s Academy, a play about Hortense, the subject of the YA novel I’m writing. The opening promotion goes like this:

[blackquote] You think your life is challenging? Imagine your stepfather is Napoleon Bonaparte!

That’s so good. (If only I had thought of it.)

• I love this movie of kids enacting the life of Napoleon.